Empower yourself and broaden your mind through our wide array of Jewish Adult Education opportunities
Adult Education at Chabad of Sudbury

Are you looking to empower yourself with knowledge? Do you want to broaden your Jewish values and ideas? Would you like to inspire yourself through learning? Or are you looking to make a difference in your life?

If yes to any of the above then the Adult Education Programs of the Chabad Center of Sudbury which offer a rich array opportunities throughout the year is the place for you. Join other like minded intelligent and open minded individuals at any of our 3 top rated accreddited six week courses from the Jewish Learning Institute, or at our weekly Torah Study classes and discussions or at many other courses & classes on topics such as family life, education, Jewish Holidays, contemparary Jewish issues, Hebrew Reading & Language, and at our multiple Women's Programs.

In addition to the above we offer multiple classes throughout the year ranging from the study of the weekly Torah Portion, Current Events, Lunch & Learn Programs, Jewish Mysticism Classes, Talmud Classes, Individual Learning Programs & so much more.

As part of our Adult Ed we bring in local and national speakers to speak on a wide range of topics at different points of the year. Past Speakers have included Rena Finder from Schindler's List, Jeff Jacoby of the Boston Globe, Arieh Freeman of London England, an expert in Jewish Scribal Arts & Traditions, Aron Feuerstien, former CEO of Malden Mills, and several others.

So come along and join us as we broaden our minds and empower each other through the ancient and modern Jewish tradition of learning.

Weekly Torah Study
Daily StudyJewish Tradition is rich in ideas, anecdotes, and information that will enrich your life and empower you in your personal and social life. Weekly study of the Torah portion is a powerful way to connect with timely messages and creative ideas that will make your week more meaningful and more purposeful.
Join us on (most) Thursday evenings at 7:30pm - 9pm for our Weekly Torah Study & Discussion Group as we learn, analyze and explore the weekly Torah Portion and its timely messages. For more info please email us at [email protected] or call 978-443-0110
Decoding the Talmud Course Launch Jan 28th 2025

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For more info on Decoding the Talmud Course click here. 

Torah & Tea & Other Women's Programs
Banner - Portrait of a WomanThe Chabad Center of Sudbury offers a rich array of exciting and stimulating women's programs and has a full calendar year of new events and classes. 
For our current array of classes for women click here.
In your Office & Home
TalmudWith life as hectic as it is and with the many responsibilities that we all have, it is sometimes tough to get out to the classes, or sometimes there is just a nicer feel or more personal touch when you do it on your own turf or space with your friends or family. For this reason the Chabad Center of Sudbury offers to bring Torah Classes and Discussions to your home and office.
We offer multiple formats for this but we are always open to new ideas. Some of what we offer are below.
You pick the Topic & Location
1. Lunch and Learn - In the privacy of own office either individually or with a group.
2. Class or Discussion of topic of your choice in your own home with your own circle of friends on a weekday evening or other time of your choice.
3. Family Learning in your own home - A short inclusive family discussion or holiday activity.
For more info call 978-443-0110 or email [email protected]
Do you have a question in Judaism, or do you have a class that you would like to see added to our center or brought to your home or office?
Let us know by emailing us at [email protected] or calling 978-443-0110
Upcoming events
Feb. 08, 2025
Join us for our weekly Shabbat Services, which include the Sabbath Services, which begin at 10am, the Torah Reading & Discussion which begins at 11am and the Kiddush Luncheon at 12:15pm. Join ...
Keep Updated
Do you want to stay abreast of all of our upcoming Classes, Courses & Lectures? Sign up for the Adult Education Email List or the Weekly Email List by clicking here.